What's in a Name?
So in preperation for November 1, and the beginning of NaNoWriMo, I'm trying to get everything ready for the month of writing my brains out. (mmm, brains)
I've more-or-less outlined the different parts of the story, with an aproximation of how many words should make up each part, so I'll know if I'm on-track.
We've all said that 50,000 words in 30 days = about 1,600 or so words per day, and I've heard some say that's an hour and a half for them, and others say it's three or four hours for them. I have never measured my words that way, so I have no idea how long it will take me to write 1,600 words. I'm hoping that using my evening tv/beading/surfing/reading time, which is roughly between one to two and a half hours each week-night will keep me on track, and I'll push it harder on the weekends, I know I have the 11th off work, so I'll use that day to catch-up or get-ahead, or both.
The other thing I've been thinking about is the names. I was obsessing a bit, until I figured out that I could always 'search' and 'replace' if I decide later that I hate the name. But I've been playing with
Baby Names never the less.
Hat and Earrings
Yesterday was 'hat day' at work, so I wore my duct tape hat, after repairing the couple tears and adding a ribbon. The hat was a big hit, with staff and clients, which is what I was going for. The clients want to make one of their own now, I knew they had done duct tape wallets a while back.
(oh, and for those who have googled to me for duct tape hat
directions: if I had some good ones, I'd make a step-by-step guide. Really, I just found something that was the same size as my head, wrapped the first layer backwards--sticky side out--and free formed it. It's only the first try, when I get the plan down pat, I'll put up some good instructions)
And last night, I finished my new favorite pair of earrings. The first part of the inspiration came Sunday or Monday night, but I didn't figure out what to put with it until last night. And the kids sat around with me coming up with patterns and color schemes too, that was fun.
I'm wearing the new earrings, and I'm waiting for someone to notice how beautiful they are. So I decided this morning, that the first person who notices and comments will win a prize! (no fair if you read this, thought) I'm figuring one of the chicks at work will be the first 'noticer' so I'll make them a cool pair of earrings.
Life is better with random prizes!
On the writing (NaNoWriMo) front, I notice that some folks are making a seperate blog for their novel, and I know a few others are putting it on the web, not necessarily in blog form, but I have decided not to do that. Two reasons: I figure most people who are doing NNwM will be too busy writing to read, plus, I'm going for the total
ART for ART's sake plan. I may never show my novel to anyone. We'll just have to wait and see.
I do want to share my idea process a little. The first thing that came to me in very, very general fashion, was 'connections'. The connections between us all. How my parents can go to any state and bump into someone they know, or knows someone they know. How you feel an instant connection with someone you just met, and then later realize she went to school with your auntie, or had your dad as her math teacher, or her mom was the secretary of your Jr. High School. Or you never find out why you feel that strange 'didn't we meet before' feeling. How you would meet someone because you were supposed to meet them, despite which road you took on your life path.
The weekend before I got sick, one of the movies we watched was
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and I'm glad I saw it, because I think my idea was heading kind of in that direction. How even though
their memories were erased, they still got together, and the girl still fell in love with her boss. (Spoiler, highlight to read.) They were connected, no matter what they did.
So my story is headed a little bit differently. My story is about a woman who can 'see' the connections between people, and what those connections mean. I imagine the world looks to her like a giant, colorful spiderweb.
More as the idea grows.
A few NaNoWriMo/writing links:
What day is it?
I've lost a whole week. I knew it was coming, I'd had a sore throat for a few weeks, but nothing too bad. But you know when you
really let yourself relax, and then the germs finally hit you? Yeah, that's what happened.
Super Wonderful Relaxing Weekend (tm) last weekend, so sure enough, I got the flu last week.
Monday started out ok, worked with sniffles and backache (thought the back pain was just leftover from the weekend), but by the afternoon, I knew I was sick. I stayed the whole day (partly just to bug the germ-phobic office mate) but woke up in complete sick mode. Tuesday, barely asleep from my TheraFlu, got a call from school, kid #2 was coughing so much he couldn't stay in class. So I figured, as long as I was sick, shouldn't he just come home too. We both stayed home Wednesday, while kid #1 offered to stay home and take care of us. I thought I was better by Wednesday night, so I went back to work Thursday. That was a mistake. Our office is usually hot, but not sweat-while-just-sitting hot, and not put-your-coat-on cold, either, so I knew I needed to go back to bed, and not in a good way. Needless to say, I didn't work Friday, either.
Good thing I get great sick leave.
This weekend, I've delivered and picked up the kids, without actually going anywhere with them, spent all my energy doing a tiny store trip, and tried to get a couple chores done, but boy, am I spent. I don't think I'm contagious anymore. I don't think I'm feverish anymore. Although, writing a whole post detailing my sick week, and actually thinking anyone would be interested in reading it, might show that my brain is still out of whack.
Yeah, Right
Who exactly was I trying to kid? Learn a completely new beading technique in two evenings? Na.
So I got my boss a funky fish clock (because it's all about fish at work), and she loved it.
I will learn the flower technique evenutally, but I've got things to
So now working on gourd stitch (peyote) decreasing, fringe, and necklace for amulet bag.
Growing Beads
Almost forgot that Boss's Day is this weekend, and I wanted to make a beaded flower for my boss by Friday. Better get on that!
Looking for free patterns for now, here's a couple.
Day off for me
I've been looking forward to today. Again I have a day off when some others don't, being a state paper-pusher. I know it's actually a controversial day, celebrating Columbus and all, but I'm not going to let that ruin my day off. (And being born in and growing up in a town bearing his name, I've personally come to terms with what he did-but won't begrudge anyone for protesting)
Anyway, I have two goals for this day. Two goals that I have been looking forward to for a month at least. Two things just for me.
1. A bath. and B) Painting
Yes, other things will or may happen. Food will be cooked, food will be eaten, music will be listened to, house nudity will be in place, words will be written, (unfortunately) a teacher/student meeting will be attended (but it will be blessedly short!!). Deadwoods may be watched, a (particularly dirty) floor may be swept, beads may be beaded, rips may be mended, naps may be taken, and who knows what else.
But as long as I meet my two goals, it will be a successful day. A day I have needed for a while. A day for me.
"Singing has always seemed to me the most perfect means of expression. It is so spontaneous. And after singing, I think the violin. Since I cannot sing, I paint."
--Georgia O'Keefe
Computer Junk
Now that the site's back from being AWOL, I'm working on updates. I thought something was very wrong with the Gallery, things seemed to be missing, but turns out there were just 'orphans' that I had to clean up. Here's a few new shots:
My Workspace Currently,
Fall Flowers, my
two boys,
My Collage, a
Necklace I made years ago, found in the jewelry box, and a
gourd stitch (peyote) pattern, more of those to come I'm sure.
A couple other notes on all things computer-related:
*When MyWay started, they said they were going to expand quite a bit, while still keeping the spam away. They were even going to work up a messenger, and groups, and other 'Yahoo!-y' kinds of things. I was tired of all the spam with Yahoo! so I started using MyWay mostly. Well, that's been a couple years, and no extra features to speak of. They did give us more storage space, but Yahoo! did, too, and Yahoo! is updating their whole look and feel, and the MyWay spam filters aren't working so well as they first did. I still have a Yahoo! account, and just use both, but if MyWay doesn't add more features, I'll be using it less, and Yahoo! more again.
*We switched to NetZero for cheap dial-up provider. I used the Bluelight $10 dial-up for a few years, until it was pointed out to me that Wal*Mart's was a little more reliable. As my kids get older and more politically active, I'll try to support them as much as I can. I mean, my folks still tease me about not eating Burger King because they didn't recycle or they had South American beef or something. So when my 13 year-old took a stand against Wal*Mart, I said I'd do what I can to help. So we're now on NetZero, and it seems fine. I also tried People PC earlier this summer, didn't care for that one much.
*And I know everyone knows this, but it bears repeating again and again, and make sure all the kids hear it too: Don't ever, EVER, attempt to open an attachment from some random e-mail address that you don't know. Not even to 'just find out what will happen' because what will happen is that your computer could get completely fricked up!
End Rant.
Found Money Update
My scientific New Year's Resolution is collecting found change.
This month's updated total: