Technicolor Day

Tuesday, November 9


That would be "Baby" NNwM. I'm thinking of lowering my expected word count. This looks much better, don't you think:
Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
6,777 / 25,000

I think it's all in the choosing of what's important. This is a fun exercise, and I will finish a story, but I shouldn't let myself get too caught up in it all. Finishers are called 'winners' but I will 'win' by finishing a story. Just like Kirk, I'll change the rules.
After all, aren't there a few other things I've already been procrastinating? ;p
So last night, instead of writing, I finally figured out PayPal, and how to use it with Dreamweaver, and here is my first 'for sale' page. It is so not much to look at right now, but it's a start. I have 5-7 more pairs finished to photograph, and getting the pix at just the right distance is a tad tricky, I'll have to do some heavy measuring and documenting, so I don't drive myself crazy. After the first of the year, I will be adding a few more items. Slowly, but surely.
(And love the colors!)

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