Technicolor Day

Tuesday, December 21

I'm too much!

Remember back before DVDs and VCRs, 'special' was actually Special? Movies like Wizard of Oz or It's a Wonderful Life were only on the air once a year at most, so it was an event when they were on. But buying a movie outright changed that, and now you can watch your movie whenever you want. And the TV specials around the holidays had the same 'special'-ness back then, hell, remember the CBS brown and yellow slide: CBS Special Presentation? Re-runs on all the cable channels changed that. Around this time, you can find the 'holiday classics' on some channel most evenings. We'd often put up our tree to whatever holiday show was on the night we happen to be doing the tree, because we could always find something.
Now that we're back to antenna (and not missing cable at all), we're back to just a few holiday specials. And I think we missed most of them, I think they were last week when we weren't paying attention to the tv. And again, not missing it. But I've missed my favorite Holiday show, what I usually refer to as 'the show with the heat miser and snow miser' because I didn't ever remember what it was.

And all the cute Christmas tree ornaments, and figurines, and various paraphenelia of Rudolph, and Santa Claus is coming to Town, and that's the same animation as the show I'm thinking of, but why no heat miser or snow miser tree ornaments???
Well, found the figurines, and the name:

The Year Without a Santa Claus

. I guess it was my favorite without me even realizing it.
Here's the boys: Heat Miser, Snow Miser. (and their famous rivalry).

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