I am in the middle of day two with no computer. At work. Where everything I do is on computer. Almost. So I've gotten caught up on a lot of stupid, good use of my valuable time.Today, at least, we have an extra person hanging out, so I can go to another computer to try to get some things done. But I am so dis-jointed. I didn't even know what day it was yesterday. I almost forgot major important 'Wednesday' business, my computer reminds me everything.
The upshot is, Computer Dude says he has to find me a replacement one. It might actually be better than the one I had. emphasize MIGHT.
My boss teased me yesterday, before we knew I did have to have a replacement, that if they had to get me a new one, it was coming out of my salary. I knew she was joking, but I was nervous to tell her that it was true, since we are in the biggest budget crunch ever. But the budget has money for replacement computers, and maybe I'd get a cool flat screen, she said. We'll see.
Funniest part of the computer being down, when I got to work yesterday, it was at the normal 'white' level error. I called the help desk as usual, I've seen 'white' level before, no big deal. Later in the afternoon, while something was running to try to fix it, I was startled to see 'red' level, and then it went to purple. 'Barney' error level. Those computer help desk dudes sure have a good sense of humor. I told help desk chick I got to 'Barney' and she said, at least it didn't start singing!
1 comment(s):
In my last two jobs, I was always told there was a budget crunch. But in both jobs, there was always new technology being bought (Ahhh, the sway of the IT department) as salaries and hiring were being frozen.
I guess budget crunch just applies to people.
By Bryan, at 5:48 PM
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