Technicolor Day

Thursday, February 26

Projects Update
Updates from last week's cryptic list:
Shadowbox and rocking horse still in process. The kids didn't like the alfalfa sprouts, so I'll have to eat them all, but still the sprouting was relaxing, in a way. The gold nuggets in experiment form, turned out cool, but I had to decide to put a few things on the back burner when I realized I had seven different projects on my table at one time. So the nuggets will be a later project.
The door wall hanging is one of the first things I'm finishing. More on that later.

Wednesday, February 25

An artist, a crafter, and painter walk into a bar...
Do you craft? Are you an artist?
Do you write? Are you a writer?
Or do you write poetry, so are you a poet?
Is it:
A poet is a writer, but a writer is not necessarily a poet. Like a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not necessarily a square.
Or are "poet" and "writer" mutually exclusive?
Like "artist" and "painter". Whoops, I guess that would be "painter" and "artist".
But is crafter the rectangle or the square? Then what is artist?
A beader, a clayist, an abstract artist, a sculptor, a creative soul.
What the heck is in a name? Why do we get so uptight over names?
Or is it just me?

Tuesday, February 24

Mad World
I try not to post too much about TV shows here, but I do have to mention that Judging Amy using the theme song from the movie Donnie Darko tonight was enough, by itself, to bring me to tears. The show often takes me there on it's own, but nothing in tonight's show was that terribly emotional. Then they used The Song. It is the most hauntingly beautiful song ever.

And today is my older son's birthday. I am officially the parent of a teenager. Heaven help me. It really is a mad world after all.

Tuesday Quote
"Consistency is the last resort of the unimaginative."
-- Oscar Wilde

Sunday, February 22

Pardon my Plug
I've been needing to get a couple containers, one for my colored pencils, one for the dremel and accessories. The pencils have outgrown the spacemaker container, and I'd been keeping the dremel in a disgusting old tackle box.
I've put off looking for the 'perfect container' because the plastic boxes that size usually $3+ to $5+, and sometimes don't hold up that well, and what if I can't find the right size. Just a hassle.
But this time, I went down a different isle in the store, and discovered Ziploc containers in a new size, 9 1/2 cup. I got a package of two for under $3 and everything did fit, but it wouldn't have been a disaster if it hadn't.

Saturday, February 21

This Yankee test, link found here, tells you what percent Yankee you are based on what terms you use for things. I don't know if I agree with it's accuracy (most of my answers said my language is from the North, even specifically the Great Lakes region, but my score was only 45%-barely a Yankee), but it does tell you where each phrase is most common, that was very interesting.

Friday, February 20

More Silly Painting
I took my cousins to Paint Yourself Silly tonight. Two girls, roughly the same ages as my two boys (and one thing I learned is that sisters do act a lot like brothers). We talked about lots of things while painting, including when to know that 'enough is enough' on an art project. I finished what I wanted to do on my mug, but since they were still painting, I was sooo tempted to keep going. But I knew if I added more, it would just be too much, or I would ruin it. We debated if there is such a thing as 'too much' and I was out voted. Everyone's projects turned out great, and I'll post pix when we pick them up.
I know I've mentioned our local ceramics painting place before, but you really need to check it out! They've got tons of things to choose from, decorative to practical, in any price range. Friday night is 2-for-1 night on the hourly price, but that also makes it much busier, every table was packed last night. If you live close to Lincoln, check it out it's right by the Ivana Cone and close to the restaurant that my (butt-head) little brother chefs at. If you're reading from somewhere else, check this list, there may be a paint-your-own-ceramics place in your neighborhood.

Thursday, February 19

Projects Update
Painting, painting, painting. Shadowbox, rocking horse, door wall-hanging. Sprouting grass, and making gold nuggets.
Sorting, flinging, throwing out.
Contemplating what is clutter vs. what is potential art supplies.

Wednesday, February 18

I signed up at Crafster today. Lots of ideas, tons. First point of interest: what to do with those annoying discs you get in the mail, a star, a quilt, disco ball, or painted flowers.
My idea now is a different kind of flower, with a disc for each petal. If I let it hang like a wind chime, would the reflection be too bright on the disc side?

Tuesday, February 17

Quote Thoughts
Today's quote came from a search for quotes on 'imagination', as when I'm looking for quotes for this blog, I usually search for quotes on 'creativity' or 'imagination' or things like that. This quote popped up, and I wasn't sure how much I agree with it, so I thought I'd still post it to raise discussion.
Is there such a thing as 'too much material' or just, perhaps, the wrong kind of material. For example, if I'm in a phase of watching a lot of junk TV, I'm 'inputting' a lot of material, and I do see it effecting my creative process. On the other hand, if I'm 'inputting' inspiring things, l don't feel like there is a 'too much' point.

Tuesday Quote
The imagination must not be given too much material. It must be denied food so it can work for itself.
--Macedonlo de la Torre

Monday, February 16

Strange and Cool
This is very weird, but addictive. My high score is 9400, but I couldn't reproduce that if I tried. This one is going on the Toy list. link found here.
Chainmail is "macho knitting." Cool kaleidoscopes, too.
And ascii art. link found here.

Saturday, February 14

(make your own Keith Haring design at Haring Kids)

Thursday, February 12

Projects Update
Let's see...
I got some new glow-in-the-dark paint "pens" and re-did some of the G-I-T-D boobies project. Took off some paint, put on different paint.
And I took pictures of the face I mentioned last week:

(sheesh, is that the face from mars?)
The process so far was: we used the gauze stuff that has some plaster stuff in it to make a mold of my face. Then poured plaster of paris into the mold. As I mentioned, that was a couple years ago, and the face has been on the shelf until I remembered it last week. I also bought sand paper this week, so I can get onto the next step! I'm embarrassed that I left it undone so long, but excited to be starting it again.
And a little VD art. Dear readers: nothing big, but look for your valentine Saturday.
Also more crocheting practice, but loaned the camera out, so no pix of that yet.
Lastly, inspired by these. Wondering if I could make some like them. Cloth, or hmmm, maybe when I get better with the crocheting, I could crochet cuffs onto purchased cleaning gloves. That could work.

Tuesday, February 10

A Dozen Dragonflies
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

Tuesday Quote
"Flying. Whatever any other organism has been able to do man should surely be able to do also, though he may go a different way about it."
-- Samuel Butler

Monday, February 9

Brother and Sister artists.
A wonderful artist site, who's added me to his link list.
And those of you finding me by searching "miss piggy imitates janet jackson" I think this is what you're looking for.

Sunday, February 8

Van Gogh in the News

Saturday, February 7

Sorry, couldn't help myself

All this snow out there, ya'll probably think I'm crazy to say this, but I'd really enjoy going to a hotel like these.
Ice Hotel 1
Ice Hotel 2
You'd have to wear your long-johns, but
look how beautiful they are

Friday, February 6

Projects Update
Let's see...
this week the biggest projects were shelf painting, crochet learning, photographing said shelf painting and crochet learning, and lots of organizing. (Flying-there I said it out loud)
Computer projects were designing the funky new front page (by the way, I've only heard back from one reader about that picture, the links are hidden in the picture, is that too obscure??), and a new page, the penguin page.
Working on a secret web project right this minute, hopefully to be unveiled later this month.

Wear red today to raise awareness for the #1 killer of women in the United States�heart disease.
I don't own any red clothes, so I'm wearing the two closest colors I could find: Orange and Fuchsia. Yes, I look a site, and no, there's no pictures available.

Thursday, February 5

Body Parts
(Both found here)
Reminded me that I made a plaster image of my face a couple years ago, but didn't do anything with it yet. I guess that's my next project.

Wednesday, February 4

Pick a Flower
I've been working on my front page. It's still a work in progress, but please tell me what you think!!
(And while you're there, give me a hug)

Tuesday, February 3

Knitting or Crocheting?
That is the question.
I'm partial to crochet, and teaching myself. Or working on it, anyway. I've been only partly sucessful, thinking there's something I'm not doing right, but I think I found the 'missing link' (LOL-I crack myself up) in these instructions.
One thing I really enjoy about knitting/crocheting is all the cool blogs, here's my two new favs: Bron and Joe. But most of the knitting &/or crocheting blogs out there are listed as knitting blogs, there's several rings and things. I'm wondering, are there just more knitters than crocheters out there? or do people who call themselves 'knitters' usually do both?

Tuesday Quote
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" Pablo Picasso

Last One
I've been ranting about snow and football more lately than Creativity and the Artistic Process, and I mean to rectify that. But one more for now.
I went out this morning to take the older son to school (younger has the head cold, too, and is staying home) and we got stuck getting out of the driveway. Not a huge problem, he caught a ride with my Aunt and cousins down the street while I got the car un-stuck. But here's the thing: I discovered that my nice-guy shoveler didn't do the whole job yesterday morning. So I had to finish scooping. Yuck.
Last time I'm going to pay for scooping, or at least the last time I'll give them the money first. And did I mention I'm sick? The last place this fever-burning gal needs to be is out in the snow, shoveling. OK, back to bed, bundled up for me.

Monday, February 2

Snow More Phil?
My nice shoveling friends showed up again today, which I'm very thankful for especially considering that I have aquired a nasty head cold. Though I didn't have quite enough cash, and had to round out payment with change.
And since Phil says we have more winter in store, I'd better keep $ on hand for the next time.

Super Wrap-Up
As far as the game itself, it took a long time to get going. As far as the commercials, none were too exciting. I guess my favorite was the bear faking the ID. As far as the Half-Time show...first I was thinking, Justin Timberlake is the surprise mystery guest? Whoopy-sh*t. But he sure raised the OMG level when he ripped off Janet Jackson's shirt. What the? And now, supposedly it was an accident, but if so, what exactly was he trying to do? No one is going to remember that Kiss anymore, that's for sure. And for the one guy in the world that doesn't watch the Super Bowl, here's the picture (NOT safe!) And that's not a pastie I learned.
Oh, and Bionce did a great job on the National Anthem. But no one will remember that, either.

Sunday, February 1

The Super in Super Bowl
So who are you rooting for today?
I think I'm rooting for Miss Piggy, and maybe Shards O' Glass.
Of course I'm talking abou the commercials! Oh, is there a game, too? I always watch the game, but I don't get excited about who's gonna win unless one of our family favs is in the game.
Ad Bowl
Superbowl Ads
PDF to help you keep score

Another 4-6 inches? I'm still recovering from the 10 inches last week! Sheesh, let a girl catch her breath already.

Found Money Update
My scientific New Year's Resolution is collecting found change.
This month's updated total: