Technicolor Day

Tuesday, February 3

Last One
I've been ranting about snow and football more lately than Creativity and the Artistic Process, and I mean to rectify that. But one more for now.
I went out this morning to take the older son to school (younger has the head cold, too, and is staying home) and we got stuck getting out of the driveway. Not a huge problem, he caught a ride with my Aunt and cousins down the street while I got the car un-stuck. But here's the thing: I discovered that my nice-guy shoveler didn't do the whole job yesterday morning. So I had to finish scooping. Yuck.
Last time I'm going to pay for scooping, or at least the last time I'll give them the money first. And did I mention I'm sick? The last place this fever-burning gal needs to be is out in the snow, shoveling. OK, back to bed, bundled up for me.

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