Technicolor Day

Saturday, December 14

I am an idea person. People who know me personally know that and often come to me when they need one. I'm always full of 'em. And some 'stick' and some don't. I've learned not to be discouraged when they don't stick. Because if you let yourself get discouraged when someone doesn't like one idea, you might not be as likely next time to bring up an idea. But that one might be the million dollar one.
I had the opportunity this week to be in a meeting where one of my ideas was announced to the group and it met high approval. I had given the idea to the project head dude the week before, and he had loved it and ran with it. So when the idea was announced to the rest of the group, it didn't come from me. It really didn't matter that dude didn't say it was my idea. It wasn't the kind of situation where it mattered to me that I get all the credit.
It was just satisfying knowing it was mine, and it was good.

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