Technicolor Day

Saturday, March 5

Cinco de March-o

It's the fifth again! You know what that means! Time for Take Five!
This month, I made sure to set aside the time to get some good artsy-fartsy shots. With the great weather this weekend, I really wanted to capture this pre-Spring feeling that's all around us. To me, that meant bubbles! I wanted to take a pix of a bubble (or bubbles) against the bright blue sky. I roped Eleven into being my bubble model, and away we went.
One thing I love about digital cameras is how easy it is to get the perfect shot, and not worry about how many pictures you're wasting. Most of the Take Five shots I've taken these few months, I'll take 5-10 shots, dump them into iPhoto, crop, and change brighness/contrast until I have one shot. Then I just delete all the rest. No waste.
The bubble photo shoot was so good, that I've saved most of the shots into a whole 'nuther album. See the whole set here
Don'cha love when you get 'the perfect shot'? Makes me feel like a Spartan.

1 comment(s):

Got mine up over at!

By Blogger Will, at 2:57 PM  

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