Technicolor Day

Monday, April 26

Disgusting and Disturbing
OK, I'll admit, I was warned not to watch The Swan. But I flipped past and it was like a train wreck that I couldn't turn away from. Completely horrifying. I won't even start on how they're glorifying 'perfection' and cookie-cuttering these women. And I won't comment on how the doctors are nothing special to look at themselves (meaning they haven't had all sorts of surgeries done on themselves but they're willing to do all sorts of unnecessary surgeries on these people. And I won't finish by saying how pathetic it is that everyone made such a big deal about how beautiful these women are NOW, completely diminishing the beauty they already had to begin with. I won't even start.
I will go off on a different tangent, though.
I can not get into MaryKate and Ashley being grown-up hotties. I just can't see it. Yes, they've grown up just beautifully, but every time I look at them, I still see that little curly-headed baby, all smiley, as the 'uncle' and 'best friend' try changing diapers for the first time, and one says to 'dad' my favorite punch-line-turned-personal-catch-phrase-that-year (say it with me!): "Your baby's a pig."

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