Technicolor Day

Saturday, April 17

Vampira Scare
I've decided that my digital camera is a Vampira. She sucks the life out of all batteries she even looks at. Luckily, with recursively, I can keep her pretty well fed, but I have decided that when not in use, I have to take out the batteries.
So I'm finally working on some pictures I've been promising to do, and she's making a strange error noise. IKES! This is the last piece of new technology I have, and she's already almost a year old. And I know I won't be able to get anything new (computer, better TV, TiVo) for a long while, so I don't want anything to happen to her.
Luckily, I found 'return to defaults' and she's back to her battery-sucking-goodness.
OK, that was a boring story, but I'd be lost without my camera

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