Technicolor Day

Sunday, April 18

Daydream Believer
OK, so my big 'job/career' goal includes having a stable, fairly easy-going day job, and working toward the artistic goals in the evenings. That's the plan. I am actually glad to have a 'leave-it-at-the-office' kind of job, so I can devote more energy to the art.
At work, we have these newsletters we pass around at work, full of helpful hints, success stories, and good ideas for folks in most any business. Of course, I read the articles thinking about how it could help me in my job, but some of the ideas can be applied to the creative process as well.
Case in point: Daydreaming.
The shortened version of this article (written by her) in our little newsletter said, among other things, to have a daydreaming 'session' that is planned. Now, some folks might think that's too rigid, but really, it's a good idea. Set aside a time, or place even, that's good for mind wandering. Driving is a good one for me. The shower, too, I often write a post in my head while showering. Before falling asleep is perfect, as often the daydreaming blends into the actual dreaming, and great ideas come from the sleeping mind.
So where do you daydream?

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