Technicolor Day

Sunday, April 25

Newspaper Clippings
I always read the Sunday paper (the only paper I buy) with a pair of scissors. The coupons are supposed to pay for the price of the paper, number one, but I also like to cut thing out. Like photos of paintings or sculptures from the arts page, ads for things I might like to buy or make something similar (read: better), or headlines with words I might be able to string together in a ransom note or something ;p.
Basic collage fodder.
So tonight I remembered that I have a bunch of extra newspapers from a year and a half ago, when my family reunion picture, and Grandparents' anniversary picture was in the paper, and all my friends at work brought me their copies to send to out-of-town relatives. I didn't know that my Auntie had ordered extra copies and all the our-of-towners were taken care of. So I have several extras.
Hmmmm, I could make a few cool collages for my Aunties and Mom with those extra paper clippings. Now the idea machine is working overtime. We'll see what squirts out.

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