Technicolor Day

Tuesday, December 9

And more on snow
It has snowed, literally, all day. I unburied the car once mid-afternoon, and there's another 1/2 foot grown over it again, and the snow hasn't stopped. But school's still on for tomorrow at this point.
Now, I trust the folks whose job it is to decide if school is called off, after all, it's their job. But if we all have to wake up early tomorrow morning only to discover that they decided at 6:00 in the morning there will be no school, I'll be more than a little put out.
I don't want to have to scrape off the car, no doubt, but if you're gonna call off school, at least do it the night before so that the little buggers can stay up a little later than normal.
I mean, there was another Trek on, and everything.
And the school system, and all the local news sources need to learn to use the net better, IMHO

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