Technicolor Day

Wednesday, December 3

On the bookshelf:
Been reading Bel Canto, slowly, the past month or longer. This is the book that all of Lincoln is (supposedly) reading together for the One Book promotion, though the only other person that I have heard is reading it is Z's 7th grade English teacher. It is a bit of a chore to read it, like being assigned a book in class. It's a very good book, don't get me wrong, it's just I sometimes take issue with being told what to read. (I have to admit I've never actually finished any Shakespeare, despite his plays have been assigned to me at least 4 times in classes. I just read the Cliff's Notes! But it's not that I won't read and enjoy what's assigned to me; I absolutely loved Gatsby, for example, and wouldn't have even thought to read that if it hadn't been assigned.)
Anyway, I digress.
I ordered Bel Canto at the same time as Why Girls Are Weird and did read the first 'entry' in that, but I told myself I had to read my assigned book before I could read the fun one. (Even after the excitement of learning that the author is a friend of a friend-wow six degrees to pammie!)
This past week, I went off my assignment, and tonight I finished WGAW. Not to gush too much, but I think Anna K saved my life! Well, at least my sanity for a while. See, (huge personal junk coming--turn your head if you've a weak stomach) I get horrible cramps (and 'horrible' is not even close to being an adequate adjective), and lo-and-behold 'cramp day' (as I have affectionately named it) was mixed in with 'get all the rest of the Turkey Day sh*t done days'. And I almost lost it. But I took a little break and drew myself a hot bath and started in reading the book.
It made me laugh hard enough to get back to a good mood despite the pain. And in the last week, it made me laugh several more times, and cry a couple, too. And it helped evolve some of my ideas about having a public blog, but more on that another time.
Highly recommended book, I think all Weird Girls, and all bloggers should read it. Sometime after the first of the year, my copy will be available for borrowing, but to support the artist, you could buy your own.
And let me just say that all I want for Christmas is a Tiny Wooden Hand.

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