Technicolor Day

Tuesday, December 9

On snow
One kid was pretty disappointed that there wasn't a blanket of snow on the ground already when we got up today. "Someone should go after them with a pitchfork." Them being the weather people who had made incorrect predictions. But since the snow started coming down on the trip to school, he's better now, and we got to have a discussion on how weather is predicted. (He's still hoping for a snow day, but maybe tomorrow)
The other kid got philosophical about the snow on his trip to school. "How could there still be snow each year?" I thought he was going on the global warming vein, but no, check this out: "I mean, if every snowflake is different, won't we eventually run out of designs? Hmm, interesting thought. We talked about random-ness the rest of the way to school.
Pretty good for the first snowfall.

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