Technicolor Day

Monday, October 20

Movie Time
As a rule, the G and I don't go to a lot of 'regular priced' movies. There's a $2 theatre here in town, and DVDs are just the best thing in the world, if it's a movie you don't need to see on the big screen, because of all the special features and commentary.
But Kill Bill was the exception this weekend, it's definitely a 'big screen' movie, and we just couldn't wait until it got to the cheap theatre (though, we did go to a matinee- $2 off regular price, so that satisfied our frugal sides).
If you like good fight scenes, don't miss this movie. I've heard that some women don't like violence so much, but I loved this movie! The violence is almost cartoonish in a way, though some sites, like this one say the violence is too much for an R rating.
I'd recommend not reading too many reviews (there are several here), if you don't want to spoil too many of the surprises. But if you want to know what movie references to be looking for (or which ones you missed), this list is exceptional.
Here's one example, which some of you, I'm sure, already know: The Yellow Jumpsuit is just like one Bruce Lee wore in his final film. (Even my kids knew that)
I can't wait for Pt.2, and the promised video game!

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