Technicolor Day

Friday, May 14

Creative Training
Do you remember in one of Steve Martin's early monologues he had a bit about teaching your kid the wrong words for things?
I'm wondering if people do that in real life.
Like when training the new girl, maybe tell her to do things a little, well, wrong. Maybe like when someone asks new girl to order more 'xyz' forms, tell her to order, say 20 million more than she really should order. And just maybe, tell new girl to put all 20 million forms in the mailbox of the person who asked for them. And when the person who ordered them bites new girl's head off because they really only needed maybe 50 forms, not 20 million, just smile quietly to yourself at your little joke.
It would be really funny if it was a prank. Really. But if it's just being mean, it's just plain not nice. And speaking as a bonifide new girl, I know not nice.

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