Technicolor Day

Saturday, January 10

Since this year I will turn 40 (but not for 345 more days), I thought I'd write a little tid-bit for each of my decade years.
Well, this was the year I was born, only 11 days before the year ended, so I don't have any personal memories. ;) I know from my parents' stories that I was a week late, born 'five days before Christmas' (which is how I would always answer as a child when asked when my birthday was), and on my first Christmas day, mom and I were still in the hospital, since these were the days of week-long stays after birth, dad came up during regular visiting hours only, but the hospital did give them a nice holiday meal, and my parents put me in a red velvet little dress.
The year I turned 10. Ended 4th grade, started 5th. Started playing the piano, got glasses, and I think that was the year we got our dog. My (butt-head) little brother finally was old enough to be more fun, he started school that year. And this was the year of the Best Summer Of My Life!™
That was the year my dad's service group purchased an old long-abandoned camp, and since my dad had the summer off (teaching), we were the designated family to live there all summer.
Two rows of camper cabins, a mess hall with library above, arts and crafts cabin, a frog-filled swamp of a swimming pool, a river AND sand pit, shower houses, an outdoor chapel which had mostly gone back to nature, and various other buildings to explore. The camp was surrounded by lots and lots of nothing, and if you walked north far enough through a couple fields, you could get to the Platte river. My brother and I had the MOST fun this summer. We collected skink tails, stole books from the library, dug clams in the river to use as bait to catch catfish in the sandpit, picked the tiniest, most flavorful grapes that mom made into the greatest jelly, and I dug up Indian beads.
Well, I thought they were Indian beads. I fancied myself an archeologist in my youth, and when I found the first bead in the dirt outside one cabin, I was in heaven. I kept digging, and over the summer found a whole butter dish full of multicolored seed beads. This was probably what started my lifelong love affair with beads. It wasn't until years later that I realized consciously that I was digging right outside the craft cabin.
My first year in college came to a close, my second year of college started, and in between, my first summer away from my parental home, I went to Europe. It was a very structured trip with my college choir, I was good and didn't stray from the approved activities, but managed to have fun anyway. I got my hair cut in Paris, went to the Rembrandt museum, made out plenty with a gorgeous Swiss guy, and sang in Notre Dame. Oh, and the flight from Chicago to Amsterdam was the first time I'd flown (not counting the flight when I was a baby that I don't remember). The rest of the summer I discovered I was a terrible waitress and dated a rock musician. When I went back to school, my second year of college ended up much better than the first. I changed my major, moved out of the dorm, and met memorial people including Mr. G, and the bad boyfriend who's name cannot be spoken aloud. Why I didn't just date G instead of hooking up with the bad guy, I still don't know.
Also, I turned 20 just 11 days before Nebraska raised the drinking age to 21, and was grandfathered. Life was good.
This year stands out with more bad than the others, but it was still balanced. This was the year of the first actual house my little family got to live in, after all those apartments. Even being kinda slummy, it was good to actually have a house, and not have neighbors just a wall away.
My babies were just one and three, and were at a very fun age. My then-husband and I 'took turns' being the at-home parent with the kids, so part of this year, I got to be home with my two babies, plus took care of my 'third kid', my friend Mike's son. These three are as close as cousins, if not brothers, and this time of them being together was very bonding.
This year, or right around this time, was also the first time I realized my marriage wasn't working. I remember long, weepy, middle of the night phone calls with my auntie. Looking back, I guess the realization itself was a good thing, so I could start to direct my life differently. But at the time, of course, it was hard.
What's in store for 2004? (sorry, couldn't help myself) Well, there will always be good along with the bad, or bad along with the good, which ever way you want to look at it. I'm sure this will be a very Creative year overall, and hope to purchase something (maybe with my tax return) that I have been wanting for a couple years that will take me further on my road to my Creative goals. (Sorry, still don't want to say it 'out loud' I'm afraid of jinxing it, but soon, I promise.)
I hope this year will be good for all of you, and that your memories of year's past bring you happy thoughts.

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