Technicolor Day

Wednesday, December 17

On my old Blog Template, I had a small list of Projects I'm working on: which I had imagined would prompt me to write about my projects, and update the list, which didn't really happen.
I also thought that maybe my 'regular readers' (all three of you :)) might help keep me to task on the projects if I had them listed in plain sight. Again, didn't happen.
Plus, I've found lately that my creative path, though it still seems to be the path I am to be walking on, seems a bit overgrown, and needs some weeds to be hacked out of it before I can stroll along it properly.
Well, I do realize that I need to keep myself to task, so I have decided to let Blogger's new features help me with this.
I've been saving my 'Tuesday Quotes' ahead of time ever since the new features came out. That way, I can use one afternoon to find enough good quotes for a month or two. Now I'm going to do that with my project updates, as well.
So every Thursday, I'll have a Project Update post. And hopefully, none will end up empty.

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