Technicolor Day

Friday, May 23

In the Dark
Now, I'm not advocating forgetting to pay your electricity bill. :-) But, if you have to go through a night with no electricity, this is a nice time of the year to do it. You don't need heat or AC (in our 'neck of the woods' anyway), and there's late enough and early enough sunlight to get most things done.
Adversity is not without comforts and hopes. --Bacon.
Or in my own words, adversity can spark creativity and comradery. For example, we discovered last night, that Munchkin plays great by candle light. We got to laughing so hard at one point, I was almost afraid a 'gut' would actually 'bust'.
So here's my gem of wisdom stuffed in a little bottle:
Whatever it is, make the best of it.

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