Technicolor Day

Friday, May 16

Project Creation
I've started a small group with a couple friends, which for now, I like to call Project Creation. I wanted to get this group together for two reasons:
1. To have us get together occasionally and do creative projects. and B) To have us share with each other the ideas/projects we are working on, have us keep each other motivated by sharing our progress or problems.
First, I "made" them watch Fight Club. OK, yes, I'm weird, I envisioned giving them anonymous creative assignments, well, you never know, maybe I still will....
Now, tonight, we are having our first 'session'. We're meeting at a store where you can paint your own ceremic pieces, the store provides all the paint, and does the firing. You pay per hour and per piece, and pick it up in about a week.
This will be FUN!!
I'm planning on doing the funkiest, coolest, most colorful BIG coffee mug I can come up with. This will be for use at work. I like to have little things with me at work to remind me of my creative self.

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