Technicolor Day

Saturday, January 11

Links galore
If I haven't said it before, one thing I am very proud of as a newbie blogger, is that I have used all free things. I certainly know you sometimes get what you pay for, but I'm happy with the different free blogging tools I've been using.
Blogger and BlogSpot for the blogs. Not upgraded, so I do have ads, but I'm willing to suffer the ads to have a cheap blog.
Haloscan for commenting here, and Enetation on the other. I definately love Haloscan, Enetation is nice, but doesn't seem to always stay up. They have an upgrade which promices to not go down, but I think they should stay up more, then I'd consider upgrading.
BlogRolling is the absolute coolest!! I did upgrade that, not to specifically get the extra features, but because I just loved it so much. And now, I do love the extra features (more BlogRolls).
Other things I've found and used for free:
W3 Schools has taught me so much HTML and stuff, oh, and Web Monkey is great, and has a kid section, too. (Hmm, I need to add a link to them).
That's a lot of links! (Hey Perry, here's all the links you need to make a completely FREE blog. Now you have even less excuses to make your own!)
My point is, I like finding the free things. The newest free thing I've found is the Zonk Board (see previous entry). And I just have to say, I'm so impressed I had to upgrade my account right away.

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