Technicolor Day

Monday, January 6

Back to the grind...or the bag
After all three of us getting stung by that nasty virus that's been going around, and just at the end of the holiday break (they bemoaned that being sick wasted the last part of their vacation!), it's nice, once again, to settle into the routine. And now I remember why we make New Year's Resolutions: because coming back to the routine after a break from it, helps us appreciate it, and makes us want to find ways to make it better.
Friday, when I just started not feeling well, I didn't have my morning coffee, and just today drank a half/caff for the first time. But these last few days, I remembered how much I enjoy tea. I started an evening cup tonight before the kids fell asleep, and they were curious when they heard noises and 'smelt something', and when I told them I was making tea, they both exclaimed, 'ooo, will you save us some?' So I think tomorrow night, I'll start us each a cup. Maybe we can start a little tradition. Or at least some fun memories.

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