Technicolor Day

Thursday, January 2

Wednesday Wonder
A new meme from Kathryn.
This week: Paying Attention
What I find myself paying attention to after reading the words of inspiration at Wednesday Wonder are things close around me that I usually take for granted, close to my computer, in my purse, at work, most places I can think of, that we all have in these places: photographs.
A piece of paper with an image magically frozen in time upon it. Places I've been that I want to remember. People that are no longer in my life. A first breath. Hints of my children that I didn't get to see in person. Commemerations of all sorts of events. Times that will never be here again. All here with me, with little effort on my part.
I find that half or more of my memories are drawn from photographs. I don't remember exactly what a scene from my life looked like. I remember the sounds, sents, and feelings. But the photograph helps me put a picture with those memories.
We all have cameras these days. It's no big deal to take photos of anything and everything in our lives. A friend reciently purchased an old 'amber type' photo where the photo is not on paper, but glass. It is a treasure. From a time where photos were very few and very far between. I can only imagine what having that kind of photo meant to folks in that age. And I can take for granted the ease of photography we have today.
That is my Wonder for today.

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