Technicolor Day

Wednesday, October 9

Art stuck in my head:
Yesterday, a friend told me about a trip to the zoo, with the giant goldfish swarming to catch the pellets they dropped. She said she was surprised to see a circle of big catfish in the goldfish pond, and that they just stayed in a circle even when the goldfish would swim through and momentarily split them up.
I had the image pop into my head of these catfish swimming like they are the petals of a flower, with their tails fluttering, and maybe one of the goldfish would swim into the middle for a minute to be the center of the flower. I need to draw this.

Also, a couple weeks ago, I dreamed of a drawing I did of a blue bottle, the dream drawing was very nice, and I have been trying to replicate it in the 'real' world.
Brings the question to mind, can you create in your sleep?

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