Technicolor Day

Wednesday, September 21


A short word on comments:
First, thank you for the birthday wishes, and the piratey wishes, guys.
Second, I've gotten some other comments this week, and I don't know where they are. I get an e-mail when a comment is made, because I have that option set, most all blogs have this setting, no big deal. But these other comments, I have no idea what post they were comments ON. Folks find my blog through strange Google searches, (I'll post one of those list of Google searches one of these days) and they are making comments on very old posts, evidentially. And one comment is "I was just looking into that question". Ummmm, which question?? I like to respond to comments when I can, and I don't know where to find them.
Note to Blogger: Could you add to the e-mail comment notification what post the comment was on??

1 comment(s):

Not sure about you, but I know that when I get an e-mail telling me that I got a comment, I end up with a link at the bottom of the e-mail that takes me to the specific entry that it refers to... maybe you have your set up differently?


By Blogger Algor Langeaux, at 12:00 PM  

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