Technicolor Day

Monday, November 3

TV Tidbits
A few more observations from recent television.
I didn't watch any of the Joe Schmo reality show, but I did flip past an interview this weekend where they were talking to the guy and asking him if he was ever suspicious. They showed scenes where the crew and actors were convinced that 'Joe' was on to them, but he was clue-less. Observation: If they made this show with a female contestant (Joelle Schmo?), she would have figured it out. That's all I'm saying.
Tonight, I had been planning on checking out Average Joe, the kids and I wanted to see if that girl really acts as much of a b*tch as she appears to on the commercial, AND because I love Kathy Griffin! But it turns out it was on later than I thought, (after the kids' TV time is over), and at the same time as CSI:Miami, which is on my usually-watch list, so looks like that Joe will not be watched, either.
Miami is one show I would not have watched at all if I didn't already love CSI, because I really do NOT like David Caruso. I'm glad I gave Miami a chance, because I like the other characters so much they balance out the awful Caruso character. Especially the chicks.

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