Technicolor Day

Wednesday, June 25

Bad Ad
I realize some people have TiVo, so they don't watch commercials anymore, but I've always enjoyed commercials. When they're good, that is. Like the monkeys talking on their banana phones. (huh-huh monkeys are funny)
But I've been really hating that "where's your mother?" ad out there. You know the one? Dad's a dufus who can't help the kid-who's-really-old-enough-to-dress-himself-by-himself get dressed. Mom's absent from the home--and who knows where she is??? And the house-no make that world-will fall apart because Dad doesn't know how to parent. How insulting to fathers.
So I was happy to discover that I'm not the only one out there hating it, Beer Mary and The Passionate Ailurophile have both posted about it, and provided a link to send your opinion to JC Penney. Please feel free to pass the link along, and of course, send in your two cents if so inclined.

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