Technicolor Day

Monday, August 2


At work, we have a little customize-your-wallpaper program, and since today happened to be I'm-tired-of-the-wallpaper-I-have day, I checked the list for something new. I found Eskimo Nebula, and remembered how much I love nebula pictures.
We went to the SAC museum a few years ago when there was a Hubble display with pictures of nebulas and information about the Hubble itself. It was awe-some and then-some.
Here's a few more cool nebula pix I found:
M2-9: Wings of a Butterfly Nebula , An Orion of a Different Color , Orion's Horsehead Nebula , Orion Nebula: The 2MASS View, Orion: The Big Picture
I found these on a site that since June 16, 1995, has posted cool space pictures everyday. It is now a perminent fixture on my BlogRoll.
Oh, and here's a place you can send nebula e-cards.

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