Technicolor Day

Thursday, June 17

Here I am
Due to my spotty posting history (and Blogger's wonderful change the time and date feature), you may not have even noticed I was gone. But I sure did!
I got home last weekend to find that my computer wouldn't start, and hmm, let's see, there had been storms here while I was gone. So my computer's been in the body shop all week.
Luckily, I have it back just in time to send in my bio and full-strength design that DSOWH asked for last Friday.
Finished a cool beaded wind-sock/mobile kind of thing this week, just need to figure out how to make it hang right.
Oh, and Raspberry OneDollarBars(scroll down) are the absolute best things in the world! I wonder where I can find them locally, or do I have to have a fund raiser to get more???

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