Technicolor Day

Saturday, March 8

War is not creative
When I started blogging a mere nine months ago, I decided for many reasons to give myself a theme. The theme of Technicolor Day is creativity. So I usually skip subjects that I don't feel fit the theme. (that's mostly why I created the second blog for the spillover stuff) Also, I'm not into blogging for the 'flaming' aspect, saying things trying to 'rile' folks up. So this post is a bit out of blogger-character.
I cannot believe that the latest form of acceptable discrimination is against people who want peace. I cried when I read this article posted on JCD. And not the sad-story-about-a-kitty cry, the scared-for-my-liberties cry. What happened to the first amendment? Arrested for refusing to take off his pro-peace t-shirt? I can not even imagine.
I have always been a (mostly) quiet dissenter. The 'means by which we arrive at that goal' in everyday life. Be peaceful, act peaceful, teach peace, live peace. But this pending war has given me the feeling that first amendment rights fly out the window in favor of pro-war activism.
I don't personally want this war. War is not healthy for children and other living things. But what really scares me is not feeling like it's ok to say that I don't want war. Afraid the mob mentality will aim their anger at me for wanting peace. That is how I feel right now, not safe in my own country, not free to voice my own opinions.
But this is America and I still do have the right to say how I feel.
I believe in Peace.
There I said it.
I hope some day you'll join us, and the world can live as one.

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