Technicolor Day

Sunday, November 24

Paper or Plastic
OK, do they even ASK you anymore??
I usually have to inform them, as they are already starting to shove things into a plastic sack, "I prefer paper." Yes, I admit, I do prefer paper.
Why? Not specifically for recycling, as I re-use or recycle both. Why is because I have a theory: Even a horrible sacker has a better chance of not messing up my groceries if they use a paper sack. See, the bottom is flat, and that makes it easier to put things in first that are also flat, such as boxes and cans, leaving the more squishy not-flat stuff to go on the top. This also makes it naturally easier for the sacks to be fairly even in weight, as the heavy flat things are fairly spread out between the sacks.
Well my slacker-sacker yesterday completely blew my theory out of the water. First, she put four two-litre bottles all in one sack (and she expected me to be able to carry that), then she shoved all the other stuff willy-nilly into two other sacks, neither ending up being even as heavy as one two litre bottle.
When I got home I found that at the bottom of one sack was my fresh chicken breasts, not even double wrapped, (boy am I glad nothing poked through the saran wrap on that) and at the bottom of the other sack was a bag of cereal.
Sheesh! If this store wasn't giving out "Holiday Bucks" I probably wouldn't bother to go there at all. They don't even carry veggie breakfast sausages.
OK. Rant Off.

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