Technicolor Day

Tuesday, October 29

Tuesday Quotes
"The question isn't what are we going to do today, it's what aren't we going to do today."
--Ferris Bueller
"I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm going to take a stand. I'm going to defend it. Right or wrong, I'm going to defend it."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
--Ferris Bueller

And from Square Pegs:
Lauren-"All we have to do is click with the right clique, and we can finally have a social life that's worthy of us."
Patty-"No way! Not even with cleavage."
Lauren-"I tell you, this year we're going to be popular."
Lauren-"Yeah. Even if it kills us."

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